What Do Chiropractic Doctors Do?
Helping to restore proper spinal biomechanics and improved nervous system function begins with a case history. This gives the doctor a background about your health, such as surgeries, accidents, the onset of your condition, and other details affecting your current health.
After reviewing your history and discussing your specific problem, a thorough chiropractic examination is performed along with orthopedic, physical and neurological tests. X-rays may be taken to uncover structural and functional problems associated with the spinal column. These examinations help identify areas of spinal malfunction and resulting nervous system deficit.
The findings of these examinations are explained and a plan of chiropractic adjustments may be recommended. Progress is monitored with periodic examinations and follow-up reports.
Since the word "doctor" comes from the Latin word meaning teacher, regardless of your doctor's unique clinical approach, he or she has a strong commitment to patient education.